Hello There,
Well today we hit the 13 months away mark for our wedding, so while being at work I began feeling reflective and desperately trying to take my mind away from the house, still await the survey results grrrr. Before I began to plan our wedding I believe I was living in ignorance bliss, but even if I watch Don't Tell The Bride I get so nervous for the brides, even shed a tear! So I decided to put a list together of things I have discovered/learnt.....Here we go...
1. It's Your Day! LIES! BIG FAT LIES!
Anyone who says this phrase to you is lying through their teeth, it's the biggest contradiction I keep hearing again and again, EVERYONE has an opinion.
2. Everyone Has An Opinion
No matter who they are, they will tell you what would be good! I love my family dearly, but everyone and I mean everyone has something to say about what your doing, how it should be and what they think you should have! Their opinion MUST be considered. And before you ask 1 is different from 2, because with 2 if their paying you have to bow down to their request. This applies to my fiancee, I wanted a full band diamond wedding ring, i'm getting a half :-(
3. Family Involvement!
They might not be paying a penny to the wedding but they WILL make you feel bad in not giving them what they want and you WILL feel guilty that them purely attending is going to cost them money. Resulting in tears and arguments.
4. The Tears and Arguments!
You can never be prepared for this rollar coaster! Everyone in your wedding party will be subjected to this and if you haven't, your next!
5. Being Emotional Crushed!
I was even more unprepared for this......Last night I accidentally cut an invitation!!!! I'm FINE - but I just can't talk about it...............
6. Making It Yourself!
This is a wonderful process but so time consuming and emotional, yet soul crushing at the same time, especially when it goes horribly wrong.
7. Your Family Must Secretly Hate You!
Why is it the moment you plan a wedding your family gets even stranger! I swear every time I visit or talk to someone I get, I'm not talking to them, Don't sit them near me, I'm not having my photograph taken with them, just to list a few of many! Is it too much for world peace for one day? For us? Our families are going to clash, no matter what due to different backgrounds, so it could go either way....everything will be magically fine or arguments and amazement if no one gets kicked out. Might replace my dad's suit with a ref's outfit.
8. Everyone Has An Uncle K**b Head or 5!
The guest list, my god! Inviting people you are embarrassed by or just don't want near you, well tough because you can't invite them with out them, and they won't come if there not coming........ This discovery is supported by point 1 and 2. I have no comment.
9. Diet! HA!
Everyone at work keeps hearing me say ooohhh I need to diet before the wedding, well HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah no one who has actually said the words I need to loose a bit of weight before the wedding has generally began or attempted. I've given myself 6 months before the wedding as my diet cut off and lets face it, it's only half a stone. No motivation here, too much cake and meals to enjoy!!!!
10. On The Verge!!
Pretty much when I discuss or plan the wedding i'm dancing on that fine line of a mental/emotional break down or becoming Bridezilla. This is mostly tested when trying to arrange everyone getting together.
So how do you feel about my list? Do you agree with me? Should I employee Rhod Gilbert as my wedding planner?
I'll review this in a couple months time and see how I am feeling at that stage.
Do I get a whistle and red card with the alternative outfit