Monday 9 June 2014

RSVP's Are In and Now The Joy Of The Table Planning.

Hello Everyone,

I am a bad blogger, I am not blogging as much as I should be! But Were now on the 4 month count down or 115 days, so we are constantly busy! When were not busy doing wedding stuff we are doing things in the house, for an example I started stripping our table yesterday and am now sporting a beautiful red tan!

So our RSVP cut off date was the 30th May, and did everyone RSVP on time? NO!

So my poor dad spent his bank holiday calling people, while we chased people on Facebook and via txt, it is pretty frustrating. We often felt that people we were not taking this serious and we did feel messed about, you can't not simple due to the nature of the occasion. I have been talking to a friend who is getting married before I and she feels the same, she agreed that people don't realize the emotion that's on it. The worse being that half the people we chased are married, so know what were going through, but the rejects are the worse and trust me we've had some amazing replies as to why they can't come, we've laughed at a lot of them and thought come on you can lie better than that. But the worse has to be people who don't give you a reason and i'm sorry we do take it personal! As she said;

"When we decided to get married I never thought that the planning of it would make me realise how some members of the family I deemed as close just arent & are to consumed in their own little lives to join us on our special day! Thankfully I have a large family and the majority of you are coming." 

But it is the friends who aren't coming the most, that hurts because with family they don't attend you just go ok, see you at Nan's at some point but with friends you feel a sense of, "Oh that's how much our friendship means to you" and you feel angry that possible they didn't even want to bother, but in these cases we Bride's are allowed to feel like that!

So onto the next joy, arranging the seating for the tables. Well I hear it's great fun and the reason most people argue, well it is true in the past 3 days, we've argued twice! So how have we approached it? Well there is a lot of website's out there giving you advice, which if you can be bothered to read is fine, us on the other hand with this wedding, we are doing it as we think it should be done! For better or worse.

So we printed off 10 tables with 8 chairs on it, with a trusty pack of post it notes we have started.

So we'll see how we get along shall we? At the moment we think we have an idea but the problem with is the poor people who are coming to the wedding get nitpicked. You analyse your family like never before, you sit there going "Oh no there personality will clash with there's" and other silly things like "There child needs to be here" or "Them two will fight due to personality difference and we don't have security!". It's all great joy!

You can if you feel confident in your family do the throw caution to the wind and tell people "To pick a seat, not a side". Load of B***S***! Only in the normal world where everyone is perfect, come from the same class and have not a single divorce between them. If we did that certain people wouldn't talk to others, my M-i-L would have all her groupies on the top table, it would be horrible! 

But now my life is spent making to do lists, along with who we need to pay and everything else. So for now I shall leave you to it and get back to planning this wedding. And update you when I can.

Lots Of Love

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